Anisa Mpungwe is the Managing Member of Loin Cloth & Ashes and her expertise lies in the creation of high class fashion starting from design, pattern making, manufacture as well as management. Her experience spans over 7 years and she has been doing it professionally for the past 4 years. To see more of Anisa's work visit: / Twitter:

1. What do you prefer to work with; pen pencil or computer?
I work with all 3
2. What inspires you?
Conversations, colours, shapes, current affairs and music
3. What was your starting point in the design industry?
I worked as a young designer and assistant for Melba Clothing (wedding dress label)
4. Who or what has the most influence on your work?
The art of Origami
5. What's the best advice you've ever received?
My dad always told me Nothing comes easy there are no short cuts.
6. What is important?
Happiness, peace of mind and family

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